Saturday, April 14, 2007

Closer and closer day by day

Well, it is Saturday night. It is one of the few nights left that Shelli and I have to ourselves. Her mom had been staying with us this week for her Spring Break. We're getting all of the diapers, formula, burping cloths, diapers, bottles, blankets, diapers, pacifiers, soaps, and oh yeah...diapers ready to be used. We are pretty confident that we have less than two weeks left until we greet our new addition into the world.

During our last doctor's visit this past week, she told us that due to the extreme array of problems that we have had during the pregnancy, she would consider delivering the baby at 37 weeks. The 37th week begins around Wednesday, April 25th. On that day, we are going to the hospital for some testing to make sure the baby's lungs are as developed as they should be. If they are, we should have a baby later that day!

We have another visitor coming to see us soon. My dad is going to fly in this Thursday. He and I are going to the Jimmy Buffett concert one week from tonight. I'll surely post and update with pictures after the concert......

One last addition to this posting. Below is a picture of Shelli and the hostesses from the baby shower.