Thursday, June 2, 2011

expanding knowledge...

Shelli and the kids driving home from school....

Kailey:  mom, what are those white things on the houses?
Shelli:  where?
Kailey:  the numbers...what is that?
Shelli:  oh, those are the addresses
Kailey:  what?!?
Shelli:  you know, like our address....
Kailey:  no no no, those white things on the houses...what are they?
Shelli:  they are addresses
Kailey:  MOM, stop the car...  [pointing] RIGHT THERE..WHAT IS THAT
Shelli:  Kailey, I am telling you...that is the house's address
Kailey:  Mom, that IS NOT A DRESS...TELL ME WHAT IT IS
Shelli :.....

it was at this moment that Kailey learned that an address is not a dress.

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